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MkLinux: Developer Corner[an error occurred while processing this directive]: Mach Kernel FAQ
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Mach Kernel Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why can't we put (fill in blank) from Linux source into the (fill in blank) driver?
  2. Who is [email protected]?
  3. What does NMGS stand for?
  4. How do I obtain the latest sources?
  5. How do I obtain precompiled kernels?
  6. Who wrote the Mach MicroKernel?
  7. Is MkLinux's Mach MK compatible with (insert OS here)
  8. Who are the regular MkLinux developers?
  9. How do I report a bug?
  10. Where do I send patches?
  11. Where do I send money?
  12. Where do I send cookies?

Why can't we put (fill in blank) from Linux source into the (fill in blank) driver?

For various copyright and licensing reasons, it is not permissible to place most code from linux into the Mach Kernel without the permission of the author. Linux is generally covered under the GNU Public License (GPL). This license basically states that any code that incorporates GPL'ed code must be distributed in open source under the GPL unless the author grants permission. To release the Mach Kernel under GPL would violate the Berkeley-style license agreement used in the majority of the Mach Kernel's code, because it would cause that code's use to be restricted to what's allowed under the GPL.

There are exceptions to this rule, however. First, some code in linux is under a dual licence (generally BSD and GPL). Likewise, if the author gives permission to release a version of the code under a non-GPL license, then that is also acceptable. Also, run-time linking is allowed, e.g. libraries, kernel modules, etc. Finally, it is generally accepted (although not explicitly stated) that you can put code into the kernel in an optional module, so long as that module is governed by the GPL, and so long as the operation of the kernel as a whole does not depend on that module. Note: this is a layman's view from reading the licenses involved and discussions on the topic. I am not a lawyer.

Who is [email protected]?

Michael Burg, a member of the MkLinux team for some time, now a member of the OS X team.

What does NMGS stand for?

Actually, not what, but who. According to Gilbert Coville, those are the initials of Nick Stephen, one of the OSF members of the original MkLinux team.

How do I obtain the latest sources?

To obtain the latest sources, as used to create the GENERIC series kernels, first download and install cvs (there's an RPM for it in the DR3 distribution). You might also consider compiling version 1.10.x, but it's not necessary. After you've installed CVS, download and install the tools and ode-bin tarballs into /usr/src (/usr/src/DR3). Then do the following:

cd /usr/src/DR3
mv mklinux mklinux-DR3
mv osfmk osfmk-DR3
cvs -d":pserver:[email protected]:/MkLinux" login
(password: mklinux)
cvs -d":pserver:[email protected]:/MkLinux" get osfmk
cvs -d":pserver:[email protected]:/MkLinux" get mklinux

How do I obtain precompiled kernels?

Precompiled kernels are available by ftp at:  

For more information, check out the -current kernels page at:

Who wrote the Mach MicroKernel?

The Mach MicroKernel, as used by MkLinux, was originally written at Carnegie Mellon University. Since then, it has been substantially altered by the Open Software Foundation (OSF), now part of the Open Group.

Some time ago, Apple Computer asked the Open Group (then OSF) to work with them on a port of linux to the PowerMac. They began by creating an x86 version of MkLinux in order to get linux running on the Mach MK. They then wrote Mach drivers for the PowerMac.

Is MkLinux's Mach MK compatible with (insert OS here)

MkLinux's Mach MK is not compatible with NeXT, Rhapsody, or MacOS X Server. The Mach MK as used by MKLinux is substantially similar to that which is expected to be used in MacOS X in that they are both based on Mach 3. The extent of the similarity, however, cannot be determined until MacOS X is released.

Who are the regular MkLinux developers?

No one is willing to admit to being a "regular" MkLinux developer.

How do I report a bug?

To report a bug, send email to [email protected].

Where do I send patches?

To submit patches for inclusion, please post a notice about their availability on [email protected]. If the patch is fairly short (two or three screens worth), it's probably okay to post the patch. Any longer than that, and you should put it up for anonymous FTP somewhere, and post a notice about where people can get it. If you don't have a way to serve files by anonymous ftp, upload it to the incoming directory on ftp.mklinux.org, and let me know that it's there. Unknown files will be deleted to prevent people from abusing our site with warez, etc.

Where do I send money?

Since there's no charitable org with MkLinux in mind, might I recommend:

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
501 St. Jude Place
Memphis, TN, 38105

Be sure to mention the MkLinux Project when you make your donation.

Where do I send cookies?

Email me. We'll talk. :-)


This page maintained by David A. Gatwood.

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